English Mental health and gender-based violence English version | Page 78

68 Wrapping up triggered memories

Wrapping up triggered memories

Aim . To link triggers and flashbacks to the next sessions , that deal with tools for coping .
Discussion . Wrapping up triggered memories .
This session examined the nature of trauma-reminders . The wrap up discussion bridges into the following day , which will focus on coping tools and skills that can help survivors of GBV .
Ask the participants to identify what helped the Butterfly Woman to become calmer and live in the present when she was distressed by trauma memories . Write the answers down on a flipchart . Ask the participants to say what kinds of strategies they use to calm survivors of GBV . Ask them what they do if the survivors lack energy . Get them to think forward about the next day ’ s session . Then end the day on an upbeat note with the Hug exercise .
Grounding Exercise 2 . The Hug .
This exercise deepens and anchors positive feelings and messages . It is taken from a trauma treatment method called Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing ( EMDR : Shapiro 1989 ). This trauma processing method combines bilateral physical stimulation , in this case tapping , with positive spoken messages , which deepen and anchor positive feelings . The sentence can also be spoken silently .
After being traumatised , a person often says horrible things to herself . This exercise allows us to change such thoughts into positive ones , and feel their positive impact on our body , mind , breathing , feelings and heart .
Ask the participants to propose sentences that they would find comforting , and try them out .
Here are some sentences you can suggest : “ I have value ”, “ I have survived ”, “ God loves me ”. “ I do the best I can ”.
Different sentences may be preferred by collectivist and individualist cultures . Sentences may also make different kinds of appeal . For example :
Individual : She sees me . I am alive . God knows me . I am safe now . God listens to me . Collective : They know me . I belong to them . Support :
They will support me . We need each other . We belong together . God is watching over us .