English Mental health and gender-based violence English version | Page 162

H .
It was a graphic that helps us to see whether we are inside the window of tolerance or outside it . When a person is sad , lacking energy , with many negative thoughts , it is probably because she is below the window . But if the person is very agitated , cannot be calm , is moving around and doesn`t feel good inside her body , we can say that she is above the windows of tolerance .
When looking at this graphic , maybe you can show me at which level of the window you think you are today . Would you like to try ?
S . H .
Yes , I can try
This is the window . Could you please show me in this picture where you think you are today ?
S . I don ’ t know , it ’ s hard to say … but I think I am here . H .
S .
OK , good , its OK that you feel you are there today . Remember ? We said that every day of this process is different and some days like today you can feel that you are here , but on other days you feel you are in other places on the graph . It ’ s OK , this is a dynamic process and it is normal to be down here for a while or up here for a while . Our goal is to enable you to feel that you are inside the window most of the time , or that you manage to get back into the window when you feel up or down . And to do this , I would like to show you some grounding exercises . These exercises may help you to be in the ‘ here and now ’, which we call the ‘ present moment ’. Would you like to practise one of these exercises ?
Yes , I would like that H . I ’ ll give you some instructions , and you try to follow . OK ? S . OK . H .
Make yourself comfortable in your chair , with your feet on the ground , and now follow my instructions .
Look around you and name 3 things you see .
• Look at something ( an object , a color , etc .).
• Tell yourself what you are seeing .
Name 3 things you hear .
• Listen to a sound ( music , voices , other sounds ).
• Tell yourself what you are hearing .
Name 3 things you can touch .
• Touch something ( different textures , different objects ).
• Tell yourself what you are touching . Now , notice you state of mind .
H .
Do you feel that you are more present in the room or less present , after doing the exercise ?
S . I feel more present . H . Do you feel calmer or more energized ? S . I feel more energized but more present . H .
This exercise will help us to be more present in the here and now , to come back into the window when you are below the window of tolerance . Thank you for trying this exercise with me .