Men's Health: Natural approaches for better prostate health Men's Health | Page 42

Men ’ s Health : Natural health approaches for better prostate health
D . Beta-Sitosterols for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 1 . What are Beta-sitosterols ? Beta-sitosterol is a substance found in plants . Chemists call it a “ plant sterol ester .” It is found in fruits , vegetables , nuts and seeds . It is used to make medicine . 2 . Current studies on Beta-sitosterols : Research to assess the effects of beta-sitosterols ( B-sitosterol ) on urinary symptoms and flow measures in men with of benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ). 3 . Conclusions : 519 men from four randomized , placebo-controlled , double-blind trials ( lasting 4 to 26 weeks ) were assessed . The available evidence suggests that B-sitosterols are well tolerated and improve urologic symptoms and flow measures . B-sitosterols may be a useful pharmacologic treatment option for men with mild to moderate BPH , particularly for those who would like to avoid or are at increased risk for adverse effects from alpha-blockers or surgical intervention . The long-term effectiveness and safety of B-sitosterols and their ability to prevent complications from BPH are not known .
E . Pygeum africanum for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 1 . What is Pygeum africanum ? The African cherry tree , Pygeum africanum , is an evergreen found at higher elevations across Africa . Its medicinal use dates to the 1700s , when tribes in southern Africa taught early explorers how to use the tree ’ s bark to treat bladder discomfort . Pygeum extract has been used in Europe to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia since the 1960s and is currently the most commonly used therapeutic for this condition in France . 2 . Current studies on Pygeum africanum : Some research investigated the evidence of whether extracts of Pygeum africanum are more effective than placebos in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ) and whether they are as effective as standard pharmacologic BPH treatments and have fewer side effects compared to standard BPH drugs . 3 . Conclusions : A total of 18 randomized controlled trials involving 1562 men met inclusion criteria and were analyzed . “ The overall standardized effect size and the summary improvement in global symptoms , nocturia , peak urine flow and residual urine volume suggests that Pygeum africanum is effective in men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia . This benefit is of modest size and appears to be clinically significant . Pygeum africanum is well tolerated and costs less than most prescription