Men's Health: Natural approaches for better prostate health Men's Health | Page 33

chapter five
Tips : There is often a tendency to reduce fluid intake when incontinence is experienced . However , it is important to remain hydrated . By limiting fluid , urine becomes thicker and acts as an irritant to the bladder . This leads to more frequent urination bouts . Drink little and often throughout the day instead .
Avoid alcohol and caffeine , as they are both diuretics that can create irritation in the bladder . Some spicy or acidic foods may also exaggerate symptoms . Tobacco may also aggravate the urinary tract and if you ’ re overweight , reducing weight can be advantageous as it naturally reduces pressure on the bladder .
II . Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ) is an enlarged prostate . The prostate gland endures two growth periods as man ages and can double in size during puberty . The second phase begins around the age of 25 years and BPH may follow this second phase . Discomfort or pain may also be experienced as the prostate begins to enlarge and this occurs as the urethra is squeezed due to the prostate enlarging . The walls of the bladder may become gradually thicker and as a result , one may be unable to empty completely , resulting in urine being left within the bladder . These are just some of the problems commonly associated with BPH .
It is important to note that BPH is benign and this means that it is not cancerous and it does not lead to cancer . It is important to note that cancer may be present at the same time , but it is not due to BPH . This is a very common condition and approximately half the male population of those aged between 51 and 60 years will develop BPH while approximately 90 % of those men aged over 80 years of age will develop BPH .
Common symptoms of BPH are as follows :
• Discomfort or pain
• Weak flow of urine
• Feeling that urination is not possible