Men's Health: Natural approaches for better prostate health Men's Health | Page 28

Men ’ s Health : Natural health approaches for better prostate health
sis . Supplements can be an effective way to keep the body healthy . Suggestion : try dietary supplements containing Astragalus and soybean extracts .
Natural Ingredients to Support Prostate Health
i . Astragalus We have discussed astragalus and its many benefits in the opening chapter , but as it provides a wonderful boost to the body ’ s immune system , it should be included again here . Research indicates that not only does it improve immunity , it can also throw a spotlight onto any rogue cells in the body ; this means the immune system ’ s defenses can see them and attack them . Astragalus may stimulate the immune system sufficiently enough to overcome cancer and typically , it is a two-fold process because of the immune response capacity . To put it simply , this means that the invading cancer cells are more visible and thus more vulnerable . Medical herbalists state that there are two requirements for treating cancer : Adaptogenic action and Immuno-modulating action . These must work in a synergistic manner .
Astragalus can do both . It increases B-lymphocyte and T-lymphocyte levels , interleukin and antibody production . It increases various white cells ( including T cells ) and it aids with recognition of bacteria , viruses and rogue cells . Astragalus contains choline , bioflavonoids