Memories May 2014 | Page 15

Aliquam ipsum

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This was also a wonderful year because we had new, wonderful choir directors and there were fun projects such as Mole Day. My favorite memories from Junior year were the choir trip to New York and the Hell Project in Mrs. Abshire’s class. One of the most special moments during the New York trip was when our choir was on the steps of St. Patrick’s Cathedral and when we started singing a crowd gathered and we even had a few people trying to take videos from taxis. It was a special moment because we got to share the beauty of music with people we had never met before. My life in the first three years of high school was full of hard workouts for cross country, both during the summer and school year, choir concert and rehearsals, service clubs, academic teams and tough classes. There is no way that I could have made it without my best friends. Emily Magness, Elizabeth Broussard, Kaylynn Ashby, Lance Leavitt, Ashley Brighton, Savannah Burdine and so many more have gotten me through some of the most stressful times in my life with their humor and support. I feel so blessed whenever I think about having them as friends.