Mediterranews (English) JUNE 2016 | Page 18

The executive director, César Guerrero, with the president of the Board and founder member, Alan Harper. Terra Peninsular’s Anniversary Celebration in San Quintin Bay By Bárbara Ramírez and Antonieta Valenzuela O n Saturday April 23, more than 40 people, including members of the board, staff, associated researchers and friends of Terra Peninsular got together at Molino Viejo in San Quintín Bay to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the organization. Making the best he could to give his speech in Spanish, the Board President, Alan Harper, recalled the origins of the organization and how just over 15 years ago everything began with the idea of creating an organization committed to the conservation of natural areas in Baja California, as well as its flora and fauna. Alan also recalled the names of those who helped to found Terra Peninsular fifteen years ago on April 20, 2001 with the mission of conserving and protecting the natural ecosystems of the Baja California Peninsula. The same environmental conservation work that began 15 years ago has continued to date. “With the help of many people, most of them are here, we worked on a very strong organization. I think that this bay is the most conserved in 5,000 miles of the Pacific coast of North America,” said Alan Harper about San Quintín Bay. “It’s amazing that I can work and visit this place and see what I saw 20 years ago, and I am hoping that in another 20 years from now it looks just the same,” he said. After his message, Alan Proposed a toast to the anniversary, the accomplished achievements so far, and the successful road ahead of Terra Peninsular. He also said he is confident that Terra Peninsular still has a long way to go, certainly one filled with many successes. 14 JUNE 2016 Alan Harper said a few words about Terra’s 15th anniversary. The executive director, César Guerrero, expressed his gratitude towards the staff, Board, associated researchers and donors for the support these past years.