Medi 452 1.1 | Page 19

(Folio Number Unknown) Cotton MS Tib. V., British Library, From Ottley, W.Y. 'On a Manuscript of Cicero's translation of Aratus, supposed to be of the 2d or 3d century', Archaeologia: Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, XXVI (1836), pp. 47-214.

Cottonian MS Tiberius B. V.

This manuscript is believed to have been copied directly from Harley 647. The maker of this manuscript retains some of the page layout, including a few interesting attempts to place image and text very close together. The iconography of the constellations is the same, but the style of illustration is from a later era. For example, Perseus is still carrying the gorgon’s head, and is depicted in exactly the same position as in Harley 647, but the rendering of his clothes, body, and face look much later in style. This manuscript will help me understand what were considered the essential elements of the picture and text; those that could not be changed and were copied directly.