Measuring Student Growth in Tennessee: Understanding TVAAS | Page 10

OCTOBER 2014 TAKING NOTE calculated. Since the TVAAS measure is an important component of Tennessee teacher evaluations and informs important decisions about teachers, it is crucial for teachers and principals to have the tools necessary to understand the measure and how it can inform instructional improvement in their classrooms. Importantly, these concerns present the opportunity for the improved accuracy and application of TVAAS to foster improved outcomes for all Tennessee students. This section outlines the opportunities these concerns present for continued improvement in the accuracy and use of TVAAS data. New York City Advance PAGE 10 A multiple measures approach: As noted earlier, teacher evaluations employ a multiple measures approach to improve the accuracy and usefulness of the teacher evaluation as a whole. The use of formal and informal observations, student perception surveys, and personal conferences complement TVAAS, providing teachers with further insight into their instructional strengths and opportunities for growth.58 59 As the Tennessee Department of Education continues to develop and adapt its teacher evaluation system, it should take advantage of the opportunity to evaluate the accuracy of the multiple measures employed in different districts’ teacher evaluations and to explore innovative measures used in other states. New York City’s teacher evaluation system, Advance, incorporates multiple measures into their evaluation of teacher practice. One unique component of their model is their use of teacher portfolios. Teacher portfolios include eight artifacts from a teacher’s planning and instructional process. These artifacts could include lesson plans, unit plans, or curricula the teacher developed collaboratively or independently. Teacher portfolio