MDS Messenger Volume 13, Issue 4 | Page 19

EC Lower School Junior High

same as bein (son) (Rashi). (2) had all a man wants – riches, longevity, honor and children (Ramban). (3) had a daughter named “Bakol”, fulfilling mitzvat peru u-revu by fathering a son and daughter; (4) was blessed by not having a daughter, since there would be no appropriate man for her to marry; (5) had astrological skills which kings far and wide consulted; (6) owned a precious stone that cured sick people; (7) saw Yishmael’s teshuva; (8) was free of the yeitzer hara; (9) was blessed with a lifespan shortened by 5 years, from 180 to 175 years and did not see his grandson Eisav sin (Bava Batra 16b). (10) had the Shechina dwelling within him (Zohar Chadash). (c) (1) (i) By marrying a Charanit, Yitzchak’s wife would be far from her family, who could not influence her (Kli Yakar). (ii) The Cana’anim, unlike the Charanim, were cursed – they were unsuited as mates for Avraham’s blessed offspring (Ohr haChaim). (iii) The Cana’anim, unlike the Charanim, were morally corrupt – Hashem gave Eretz Yisrael to Avraham’s offspring to live with the Torah’s morality, without letting Cana’ani immorality seep into his family (Meshech Chochma). (iv) Avraham wanted it known that his offspring acquired Eretz Yisrael through Hashem’s promise, not by intermarrying with the Cana’anim. (2) As a result of the akeida, Yitzchak was an “ola temima” (a perfect offering to Hashem), who could not leave the holy land (Chizkuni).

Q-3. (a) What did Eliezer take when he took “kol toov adonov be-yado” (all of his master’s bounty in his hand) (3 views)? (b) Why did he have the camels kneel down “michutz la-ir” (outside the city)? (c) Why did he set a test to find Yitzchak’s bride (5 reasons)? (d) From where do we learn that (1) if a father insists that his son marry a certain woman, the son is not duty-bound to listen? (2) while the Torah bans divination or fortunetelling, one may seek out some kinds of omens? (3) a person with a defect should admit it, not waiting till others accuse him? (4) we must thank Hashem for good happenings? (e) After Rivka gave Eliezer water to drink, why did he not help her water the camels? (Bereishit 24:2-54)

A-3. (a) He (1) held a deed by which Avraham gave all his property to Yitzchak, so all would be anxious to marry him (Rashi). (2) took many samples of Avraham’s wealth (Ramban). (3) brought men with him (24:32,54) to attest to his authority to negotiate for Avraham (Medrash Hagadol). (b) He thought that one who would let his daughter go outside the city to draw water would not object to letting her go to a foreign country to marry a wealthy husband (Malbim). (c) He sought a woman who (1) did chesed for a stranger like him, making her worthy in Avraham’s home (Rashi). (2) would run to do chesed, like Avraham ran to the angels (Sforno). (3) would address him as “my lord,” as Avraham did to the angels (Rokeach). (4) was an industrious woman who exerted herself, not using servants (Malbim). (5) was out of her parents’ sight at the well but would have a good nature (Chizkuni). (d) (1) Avraham, making Eliezer swear about a wife for Yitzchak, did not command Yitzchak (Meshech Chochma). (2) Eliezer sought evidence he found Yitzchak’s bashert; (3) Eliezer said, “I am Avraham’s slave,” instead of claiming to be his agent, friend or relative, when no one could have refuted him; (4) when Eliezer heard that Rivka was Avraham’s relative, he bowed, thanking Hashem (Bereishit Raba). (e) He had to be sure her actions were Hashem’s sign she was Yitzchak’s worthy mate (Sforno).

Q-4. (a) Since Avraham was wealthy and Hashem’s navi, why did Eliezer ask Lavan and Betuel to do Avraham “kindness” by letting Rivka marry his son – was it not a kindness to them for Rivka to marry him? (b) What did Eliezer mean telling Lavan and Betuel that if Rivka did not go with him, “I will turn (i) to the right or (ii) to the left”? (c) How does Lavan’s and Betuel’s response, “mei-Hashem yatza ha-davar” (the matter stemmed from Hashem) show Lavan was evil? (d) How do we know that a man’s marriage to his mate is pre-ordained by Hashem? (e) Since Lavan and Betuel were idolaters, why did they tell Eliezer to take Rivka “ka’asher dibeir Hashem” (as Hashem has spoken)? (Bereishit 24:49-51)