MDS Messenger Volume 13, Issue 28 | Page 21

nazir forever; (i) (1) no; (2) he would be forced to move to Eretz Yisrael for his nezirut period (Rambam – Hilchot Nazir 5:1,11-13;3:12;7:15;2:20-22).


Q-4. (a) Why do Birchat Kohanim follow the nazir laws (2 reasons)? (b) How do we know that the kohanim should bless Bnei Yisrael even outside the Beit haMikdash? (c) To what do the 3 blessings refer – (1) “May Hashem bless you and protect you”? (2) “May He cause His Shechina to shine upon you”? (3) “May He lift up His face to you”? (d) (1) Why do the blessings total 15 words? (2) What is symbolized by the 3 blessings’ respective (i) 3 words? (ii) 5 words? and (iii) 7 words? (3) To whom are each of the 3 blessings directed? (Bamidbar 6:22-27)

A-4. .(a) (1) One becoming kadosh by refraining from wine and sinful pursuits would be rewarded with the Birchat Kohanim’s blessings (Bamibar Raba). (2) It teaches that a kohen may not recite them after drinking wine (Ba’al haTurim). (b) In introducing the blessings, the Torah says, “leimor” (saying) twice (6:22-23), i.e., Moshe was to convey the blessings to his generation, and Aharon’s offspring should recite them in all future generations, even with no Beit haMikdash (Ohr haChaim). (c) (1) Material wealth and long life, guarding one’s assets from theft (ibn Ezra). (2) Spiritual riches, by gracing one with wisdom, understanding and Torah knowledge (Sifri). (3) Hashem’s restraining His anger when one sins (Rashi). (d) (1) 15 is the gematria of “be-ahava” (with love) – kohanim are commanded to bless with love in their hearts, saying this in the preliminary beracha (Toldot Aharon). (2) Bnei Yisrael are blessed in the merit of (i) the 3 avot, (ii) observing the Torah’s 5 books, and (iii) the 7 heavens (R. Bechaya). (3) The blessings (i) guard workers’ hands, (ii) illuminate chachamim’s minds, and (iii) give warriors peace (Abarbanel).


Q-5.. (a) In the haftarah, why did Hashem want Shimshon to be a nazir (3 reasons)? (b) Why did the angel instruct Shimshon’s mother not to eat foods banned to a nazir starting from when she conceived Shimshon, not starting his nezirut from his birth? (c) (1) Why were Shimshon’s nezirut laws different from other nezirim? (2) How did his nezirut laws differ? (Shoftim 13:5-7)

A-5.. (a) (1) Since Shimshon “followed his eyes” – looking at women – he had to abstain from wine that leads to loose behavior (Bamidbar Raba). (2) By abstaining from wine, he was not labeled a drunk when he behaved strangely; (3) his unshaved head signified grief and mourning over the Pelishtim’s dominance over Bnei Yisrael, stimulating his need to battle them (Abarbanel). (b) Since both a fetus and baby are nourished by what his or her mother eats (Nidah 30b), her not eating foods banned to a nazir curbed Shimshon’s desires growing up (Ralbag). (c) (1) Shimshon never vowed to become a nazir – an angel designated him; (2) he was banned from drinking wine or shaving, although he could not shave every 12 months like a perpetual nazir – but was permitted to be tamay mayt (Rambam – Hilchot Nezirut 3:13-14).