May 2017 Issue May Issue | Page 49

#4) He’s passionate about at least one topic. If he’s not at all passionate about anything whatsoever, you have more reason to doubt him. It tends to show how much he’d be passionate for you, which would likely be minimal. #5) There’s something about him you want to see again. You can’t explain it, but there’s something mysterious. Both of you were putting up appearances of course; there was a spark you might have caught a glimpse of, but not enough. You need to try and spot it again. #6) He cares about what’s going on the world. A man who cares about the news and knows about what’s happening is a person that pays attention. He cares for human kind and more than likely knows the power of knowledge, which means he’ll also put his best foot forward when kneading a relationship. #7) Conversation is flowing seamlessly. There are no awkward pauses because you’re unconsciously tuned into each other’s energy. Most of the time it happens when you least expect it, which can be pretty epic. #8) You don’t want to leave because you’re having a good time in spite yourself. You thought he could be fun, which is why you went, but you didn’t expect to have this good of a time. If you had t his much fun, you’re probably going to have even more fun the next go around. 4GUYS.CA 49