May 2016 | Page 45

So, Now What? No matter where you are in your life and what challenges you might be facing, you can get through them. You do not have to roll over and let them keep compounding until you finally have a breakdown. Here are some things to consider to help you figure out if where you are is where you want to be in life. • Take stock of what is going on in your life and really look at you. Take a look around and figure out if everything and everyone that is present in your life is really aiding you along your journey or hindering you. • Take a look and see if what is showing up in your life is really in alignment with who you think you are and what you truly desire in your heart. Not in your mind and ego, but your soul. Your soul is always guiding you, always nudging you, always kicking you in the butt when you need it, but you so often ignore it and then wonder how you end up in the situations you do. • Remind yourself that challenges often show up when we a ren’t on the path we truly seek. We often get knocked off course so we can navigate our way back to our true paths. Allow the challenges you’re facing to help guide you to a breakthrough instead of a breakdown. Trust me, I know it’s scary to make big changes; however, when you are ready to really live your truth and follow your heart, things show up where and when you need them to. The money, the friends, the place to crash, the ride you need, the job opportunity, etc.; but you must be willing to take that leap. You must be willing to trust that when you do, all your needs will be met. It’s time to turn that dimmer switch on your soul back up, suit up, and jump back into the game! Your spirit wants to be set free. It’s time to let go of all the things that are keeping you chained and tethered to comfort that’s not really comfortable. It’s time to love yourself enough to give yourself and the world what you are really here to give, you! Your whole being filled with light, love, freedom, and no barriers! Shari Alyse is the CoFounder of The Wellness Universe and the CIO (Chief Inspirational Officer) of Soul Ventures, Inc., a company focused on being a catalyst for positive change on the planet. Shari is also a motivational speaker and author who has dedicated her life to uplifting and helping to reignite the light we each have shining within us. Along with partner and Founder of www., Anna Pereira (CEO/Soul Ventures, Inc.), they have built a thriving community of world changers and thought leaders whose soul mission and purpose is to use their lives to better the world. Shari believes we all have unique gifts to offer the world and once we learn to embrace, celebrate, and share these gifts, we truly can light up the world. 45