May 2016 | Page 105

by Vanessa Chamberlin I t can be so hard some days to get moving and get motivated to accomplish your responsibilities (and even your hobbies). For many people in the country right now, temperatures are still chilly, and wind and rain make it hard to put a spring in your step. Luckily there are lots of healthy ways to boost your energy and get motivated to take on your day! Here are my eight tips for boosting your energy and springing forward. GET ENOUGH REST Nothing will stop you in your tracks and drag down your day worse than not getting enough quality sleep. If you have trouble going to bed on time, set a bedtime alarm to warn you that you need to be in bed soon. If you lie down on time but don’t fall asleep for a long time, try cutting back on caffeine or shutting off devices an hour before bed and sitting to read instead. Many people also keep old mattresses around, which can cause bad sleep and even affect the air quality. Make sure your mattress isn’t the problem. HAVE AN ENERGY-PACKED, PLANT-BASED BREAKFAST Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that is never more true than in terms of energy you need to start your day. There are lots of great recipes out there for easy meals including overnight oats, breakfast smoothies, and colorful tofu scrambles. Make sure that your breakfast has enough protein and carbohydrates without relying on sugar and caffeine to get up and go. KEEP ENERGETIC SNACKS ON HAND Trail mix, dried berries, and nuts make amazing snacks. You can keep them in your desk, bag, or car and never be without a little bite to eat. Nothing is worse than feeling like you’re running on empty until you make it to the next meal! Make sure you’re ready to take on the day and can address any hunger-based energy deficits. 105