May 2016 Volume 17 • Issue 191 | Page 58

with having worked with veterans through Swollfest , I really admired the dedication of Danny and Carla . Because of the generosity and family oriented environment , many good people are attracted to Okeechobee Outfitters . One such person is the legendary turkey hunter and call maker , Mr . Allen Jenkins .
Being the former owner of Lynch Turkey Call Company and a founding member of NWTF , this man is an icon of the turkey-hunting world . We were given the special opportunity to spend the weekend in camp with Mr . Jenkins , picking his brain about everything turkey hunting had to offer . Keith even got the unique experience to have Mr . Jenkins call up a beautiful Osceola tom for him ! As with all great trips , they have to come to an end . Fortunately for us , we still had a couple days left to the long weekend , so we booked an early flight out .
Not wasting any time , we arrived in New Orleans and headed straight to Shell Beach for a night of bowfishing . Managing to keep the exceptional hunting spirit alive , we had a great night drifting through the beautiful marshes of southeastern St . Bernard Parish . As we slowly powered through with the stern thrusting trolling fan , the brackish water was teaming with life . There was a great tide , moving water all night , schools of baitfish , ambushing redfish , flounders lying in wait off every point , and sheepshead holding tight in every crevice .
It ’ s hard to put into words how exciting it is when everything outdoors amalgamates together and works into an extremely successful outing . This was one of those weekends that the stars lined to perfection . It makes up for the rainouts , mosquitoes , lack of movement , and any other malady that seems to plague many a trip .
This long weekend is one for the books and will be reminisced about for quite some time . Not often do you get to arrow a mature turkey , redfish , sheepshead , and flounder in the same weekend with the company of lifelong friends !