Maximum Yield USA July 2017 | Page 22

fee #maximumyield Double-ended HPS technology is making its presence known in the marketplace with proven high- quality results. This lamp technology has shown horticulturalists a new path to greater yields and quality. Since the inception of LEDs as a horticultural light source, growers have been tempted by promises of heightened efficiency and better return on investment. Although not all LED lighting systems are equal, they do, in general, offer some major benefits to indoor horticulturists. Eric Hopper Maximum Yield, May 2017 Get the wrong ones and they won’t work at all, but get the right ones, and, well, I was more than successful... just do your homework before you buy. It’s all around us, we just need to capture the dew. Lee McCall, April 2017 Double-ended HPS lamps can increase your yield up to 50 per cent! Very informative articles about DE lamps by @Max_Yield. Brian L. @DewGood Mold is a sneaky thing. It can find ways to infiltrate your perfectly clean growroom. Thankfully, you have the ultimate power to control this foe. @_luxlight I received a free copy of Maximum Yield from a hydroponics store in Goshen, NY, and enjoyed reading it very much. Thank you. Cory Hughes Maximum Yield, May 2017 If you see pm you’re already too late. Billions of spores have already been released. PM is also a systemic problem. Prevention is the key to success. Run a systemic fungicide like Companion. It’s as important as your nutrients. Just do it. Personally, I’d recommend cutting down, a big deep clean, waiting two-ish weeks, and starting over. Dennis A. Maximum Yield Around the World Keith R. Another school donation from #greenmatters #greenmattersmiddleboro and #foxfarm #foxfarmsoil to Silver Spring Elementary School Project. These kids are lucky to have amazing teachers who want to invest in their knowledge of plants. @greenmattersmiddleboro The average American city on average needs to dedicate just 10 per cent of its city limit area to urban farming to produce the entire recommended vegetable intake of its population. An average 10x20 urban farming plot in New York City can produce between $500 and $700 worth of edible food in one season. The city of Burlington, Vermont, could meet nearly 110 per cent of its annual fruit demand with locally grown fruits if it implemented an urban farming set-up utilizing available land and resources. Matt from Holland Hydroponics showing off Maximum Yield in the UK. DO YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED? Send your email or post to: 20 first feed Urban Farm Facts via @urbanvineco Follow them for more! [email protected] @maximumyield Top Feeds to Follow on Social Media Get the latest updates on modern growing from these top influencers: Based in West Oakland, California, City Slicker Farms empowers community members to meet the need for healthy food for themselves and their families. We can’t resist the cause or the name of this organization. @CiySlickerFrms This inspirational feed comes to you from Colorado. Homestead Basics combines modern advancements in the gardening industry with old-fashioned home- steading techniques. Go follow them for some definite DIY inspiration. @Homesteadbasics @max_yield @maximumyield @maximumyield maximumyield