Maximum Yield USA July 2017 | Page 104

tips & tricks I had tried pretty much everything to stop the caterpillars from decimating my cabbages—I mean everything. A close friend of mine popped round one day, and we were sitting in the garden having a coffee. The sun was out and it was a lovely day, all very Middle England. Sitting in view of the machine-gunned cabbages, my friend said, “Caterpillar, right?” “Right,” I said. “I just can’t seem to get anything to slow them down or get rid of them.” “Ohh, that’s easy,” he replied. “What you need is a bird table.” He went on to tell me that what I should do is place a low bird table in the middle of the cabbages, with a dried sunflower seed bird dispenser. The sunflower seeds attracted finches to my garden, and as the bird table was low to the cabbages, the birds soon learned there were fat juicy caterpillars everywhere for them to feast on to their hearts’ content. Over time I reduced the amount of sunflower seeds available and found that the birds still came to eat the caterpillars. Within a week, it was hard to spot one caterpillar and by the end of the month, they were completely gone. To this day, the birds still come to check if there’s any left, which is great for me as they also gently fertilize the patch around the bird table with their droppings. This ethos about considering a natural way to control pests can also be brought into a greenhouse, with the introduction of chickens, for example. Chickens love caterpillars (however, they do tend to trample over everything in the process). Or even in indoor growrooms with an insect such as parasitoid wasps, which are a predator of aphids. A sacrificial plant is a plant that is normally used when you have already identified a pest problem.” SACRIFICIAL PLANTS The second method involves using a variety of plants available to help with your pest control. Even the use of sacrificial plants are within the remits of the cycle, as it is part of the giving and receiving process of the world. What’s a sacrificial plant? Not commonly used by hobbyist indoor gardeners, sacrificial plants are a great organic way to reduce and sometimes completely eradicate pests. There are two types: deterrent sacrificial plants and sacrificial plants. A deterrent sacrificial plant is a plant (not part of your current grow) that the common pest attracted to the product you are producing doesn’t like. For example, a common pest for tomato growers is plant lice. Plant lice do not like chives or mint; in fact, they will actively avoid it. The answer would be to plant a border of sacrificial mint around the tomatoes you wish to protect. Breaking a few leaves regularly on the mint plants will increase the potency of the mint's deterrent attributes for the plant lice, keeping them at bay. If you were to have an indoor garden, the best place to put a few mint plants would be in the usual opening and closing areas where pests are most common to come in and out of the environment, such as intakes, outtakes, entrances, air ports, and humidity control ports. A sacrificial plant is a plant that is normally used when you have already identified a pest problem. This is basically the opposite of the deterrent plant—it is a plant that the pests in question prefer, more than whatever you are growing. A plant is put within the growing environment, in close proximity to draw the pests away from your crop and onto the preferred sacrificial plant. When the sacrificial plant has become infested, it can then be removed from the growing area, either to a place where no harm can be done or put back into the cycle to create enriched soil and energy for the next generation of plants. This cycle of using a sacrificial plant can be repeated time and time again until the problem is at a manageable level, or in some cases completely eradicated from your growing environment. Every insect or pest has a preferred and non-preferred plant that can be used. However, you do have to be careful to pick the right sacrificial plant for the crop you are intending to grow. If you don’t do your research natural— properly, you might end up using there is a balance a deterrent sacrificial plant, which will attract another type of pest that in the world, a cycle could potentially be worse than the pest that you are trying to deter. that takes and gives.” Keep it 102 grow cycle