Maximum Yield USA July 2017 | Page 100

cycl tips & tricks The prospect of drought is alarming for any grower, but with a little preparation, it doesn’t have to mean the death of your crop. Cory Hughes argues that with a bit of tinkering, your soil or medium can become a water-saving haven during dry times. ummer is here, and for some parts of the growing world, that means having to maintain S your plants in conditions that may have been DE ALING WITH DROUGHT 98 grow cycle stricken with drought. California has served as an example of what happens when areas are deprived of the much-needed rainfall that not only supports local ecosystems, but your friendly neighborhood grower. When water is scarce, growers need to become creative in order to see that their gardens stay lush and green. That means coming up with ways to maximize your water efficiency, which in the end is not only good for your plants but the environment as well. Before you buy anything or change any of your habits, check how much water you have used in the past. Do some math and find out exactly how much water per plant you’ve gone through. When water is abundant and cheap, we tend to get a little liberal with our usage. Drought will undoubtedly bring an end to the party. How much water you need over the lifetime of a plant will vary depending on what you are growing. Research the specific needs of your plants throughout your garden and compare that with what you have been using to get a rough idea of how much water you can save by simply curbing your habits. Once you’ve eliminated any human factors, take a look at your medium. Organic soil,