Maximum Yield USA December 2016 | Page 122

HEAVY METALS Residual Heavy Metals in Plant Tissue So, how much of the heavy metal content in fertilizers is actually absorbed and stored in plant tissue? Well, this is a relatively controversial, poorly understood concept. One known fact is that some plants are hyperaccumulators of heavy metals and some are not. Hyperaccumulating plants absorb and store extremely high levels of heavy metals. Some examples are rapeseed, bentgrass, sunflower, and duckweed. There have been many trials to study the finer details of this concept, but many of them are inconclusive. The good news, however, is that most researchers agree the threat of toxic heavy metal ingestion as a result of using chemical and organic fertilizers is very low. Most fertilizers, including many of the hydroponic nutrients available commercially, are sold in a concentrated form that require significant dilution before application. Take for example a basic organic or synthetic liquid P-K booster in which five per cent (or 50,000 ppm) of its concentrated composition is made up of available phosphate. This booster may also have trace quantities of heavy metals in the parts per billion (ppb) or (ppm) range. For this example, let’s say there are 5 ppm (or 0.0005 per cent of its concentrated composition) of arsenic. The booster’s instructions suggest diluting the product with water at a ratio of 10 milliliters per gallon before feeding it to your plants. At that ratio, this nutrient solution will now contain 0.013 per cent (or 130 ppm) of available phosphate and 1.32e-10 per cent (or 0.0000013 ppm) of arsenic. In addition, most plants are cultivated seasonally and do not have an indefinite life cycle. As such, there is a limited uptake capacity of these harmful toxins due to time restraints. What’s more, many plants are unable to uptake many of these heavy metals even when they are present. 120 Maximum Yield USA  |  December 2016 “Hyperaccumulating plants absorb and store extremely high levels of heavy metals.” Safety First Even though it has been suggested that there is a very low risk of toxicity from consuming plants cultivated using fertilizers containing trace levels of heavy metals, cultivators should still aim to grow as clean as possible. After all, many states are beginning to enforce stricter guidelines when it comes to harvesting consumable crops (some will even process tissue samples from produce before allowing it to become commercially available). Farmers have to make sure they are knowledgeable about all of their inputs and their combined results. Choosing fertilizers that have been registered by a state’s DOA is a good first step toward peace of mind. Additional safety measures to take include making sure not to overfeed, using clean grow media, rotating crops, watering adequately, and even sending in tissue samples of your crop to a qualified lab to determine its heavy metal uptake concentration. Cultivators can also consider using hyperaccumulating plants to cleanse grow media of toxic content. This is a particularly useful trick for soil that has accumulated heavy metals from multiple crop cycles over time, or for groundwater cleanup. This technique is referred to as phytoremediation and is considered a sustainable method of restoring resources to a point where they can be safely used again. Don’t let fancy lingo and trendy hype about heavy metals fool you into wheel-spinning and hypochondriasis. Acquiring as much knowledge as possible about your specific cultivation materials and techniques is key to understanding consumption safety. Integrating sustainable methods into your operation is also highly recommended to maintain the health of you, your plants, and the planet. Getting a second opinion from a qualified source is never a bad idea either.