Maximum Yield USA August 2017 | Page 94

cycl trends & technology The Secret Way In: FOLIAR FEEDING Besides through the roots, there’s another way to get nutrients into a plant’s vascular system: foliar feeding. But like any good secret entrance, there’s a catch… by Rich Hamilton W ithin the hydroponics industry, there are two main types of feeding regimes: organic and non-organic nutrients. Both these feeding systems pass nutrients into a plant’s vascular system via the roots. There is, however, another way into the plant’s vascular system. A secret way in. This secret way is foliar feeding. A commonly overlooked method used in vegetative and flowering stages, foliar feeding allows for nutrients to pass into the vascular system through direct leaf and stem absorption. This can be a powerful ally to supercharge your plants for bumper yields. However, there is a catch. If it is not carried out correctly, it can have such a detrimental effect on your plants that they could be dead within 24 hours. 92 grow cycle