Maximum Yield USA August 2017 | Page 86

trends & technology

Hydroponic nutrition produces strong , healthy berry plants .
For acid-loving blueberries and cranberries , pH levels can be run somewhat lower than other crops , around 5.0-5.5 . However , they will still grow well in mixed crop systems where pH is maintained at normal levels of 5.8-5.9 . With all three crops , the cycle of flowering and fruiting is triggered by environmental conditions . Like strawberries , chilling is required during the plant dormancy phase to initiate the flowers for a good level of fruiting . For smaller indoor gardeners , the simplest methods of providing chilling for berry crops is to move the containerized plants outdoors in winter . Dormancy occurs during this time , so the plants don ’ t require nutrients and only a minimal amount of water . The number of chilling hours required by berry plants is somewhat dependant on species and cultivar ; however , raspberries and blackberries usually need 200-800 hours below 45 ° F and blueberry plants 500-600 hours below 45 ° F . Some “ low chill ” varieties can need 200 or less chill hours ). There are also several “ low chill ” varieties of berry plants developed for warmer areas and these need 200 or less chill hours ( these are also ideally suited to indoor growing ). Nurseries often list the number of chill hours required for each variety they sell . Once the chilling requirement has been met , plants can be moved back into the indoor garden where warmth and light will bring them into active growth long before outdoor crops have started to stir . As a result , flowering and fruiting should occur much earlier in the indoor garden . Also , berries that are protected from birds , insects , and the elements also tend to be larger , of excellent quality , and high-yielding . Another important aspect of indoor berry growing is the requirement for pollination assistance . As with strawberries , these blueberry , cranberry , and raspberry flowers require pollination to set fruit . Greenhouse growers can purchase small portable hives of bees to carry out pollination , but a small indoor garden will require manual pollination . With blueberries , it can be an advantage to have two different cultivars and to cross-pollinate between these . Harvesting of berries is one of the most rewarding tasks of an indoor hydroponic garden . Ideally berries should be left to fully ripen and color on the plant before harvest . This ensures the full flavour profile and aroma have developed . Perfectly ripe berries are soft and fragile , raspberries need careful handling and should be eaten as soon as possible after harvest .
Hydroponic berry cropping indoors has become a somewhat new trend , made more feasible by the development of dwarf , compact cultivars and varieties with low chill requirements . While strawberries may be the simplest for new growers to master , the more challenging blueberries , raspberries , and cranberries should not be overlooked as indoor fruit . If grown well , they can be highly productive and a real taste sensation .
84 grow cycle