Maximum Yield USA August 2017 | Page 138

groundbreakers movers & shakers

Since 2009 , Les Urbainculteurs have worked towards the development of productive and innovative urban agriculture in the Quebec area , on rooftops and terraces , or directly in the ground . As a non-profit organization , their mission is to promote gardening and urban agriculture by taking action , raising awareness , and offering products and practical solutions for growing in the city . Communications officer Marie-Hélène Dubé tells Maximum Yield about how it all began .
Cultivons la ville ! ( Grow the city !)
373 St-Paul , Québec , Canada
urbainculteurs . org
Years in business

Les Urbainculteurs was born in 2009 in Quebec City , Canada .

Our first urban garden was on the rooftop of Lauberivière , our first partner , who run the biggest homeless shelter in the capital . Vegetables and herbs were growing just up the kitchens , allowing the organization to have access to fresh food and not to depend exclusively on donations . During an event , co-founder Francis Denault worked on building some gardens for children in salvaged half-barrels . This is where the idea originated , to set up gardens all over town , and why not on the rooftops ? What then followed was a series of chance opportunities and hard work , which led to partnerships , contacts , and ultimately the realization of a crazy dream . Urban agriculture was then very little known and no example existed in Quebec on which to rely or to give in reference . Everything was still to be tried . Francis , who co-founded Urbainculteurs with Marie Eisenmann , did not have any background in gardening or agriculture before starting the business . Marie had a background in politics and journalism . At the time , she was editor-in-chief of outdoor life magazine Espaces . Francis was working as an eco-counsellor for waste management during events . Again , as urban agriculture was new , there was no specific legislative framework : rooftop gardens were not permitted nor prohibited . There was no precedent , and the fact that the founders weren ’ t trained in agriculture didn ’ t help . There was a lot of trial and error as they tried to find an efficient and affordable cultivation method , and one that was well-adapted to the urban environment . We now use Smart Pots : fabric containers that are light and resistant , and which allows the plants ’ roots to fully develop , thus producing healthier and stronger plants .
136 groundbreakers