Maximum Yield USA 2016 June | Page 64

MAXIMIZING TOMATO YIELDS “ Worm tea will increase Brix levels in your plants. If Brix levels are at 12%, insects can’t break down that percentage of sugar content in the plants, providing a natural defence mechanism.” Here is a quick recipe for worm tea: TAKE 3 KG of brewing-quality vermicompost, immerse in 20 L of non-chlorinated water then stir gently (back and forward) and slosh from one container to another for about three minutes. This will dislodge the microbes from the castings into the water. POUR WATER through a strainer and place the black water in a 200-L barrel. Put the remaining residue in a worm farm as it contains worm eggs that will hatch and help speed up your total numbers. ADD 1 L OF MOLASSES dissolved in hot water, then add 50 ml of fish emulsion. USING AN AQUARIUM BUBBLER, run 3-mm plastic tubes into a copper pipe with 3-5 mm holes drilled into it. In a vice, compress the copper pipe so that the plastic tubes still pass air and let it sink to the bottom. SET THE PUMP so it’s above the water level, switch it on and allow to brew for 24 hours. Diluted, this makes 800 L of liquid plant food. 62 Maximum Yield USA  | June 2016