Maximum Yield USA 2015 January | Page 116

winter lettuce production “Whether growing for home use or for commercial production, a wide variety of lettuces and leafy vegetables can be successfully grown in hydroponic systems.” Germinating No bottom heat is required to germinate lettuce seeds. Lettuces are cool weather crops, so excessive heat can actually delay or prevent germination. Simply cover a tray of starter cubes with a plastic sheet or humidity dome, place under cool fluorescent lights and wait a few days for germination. Once the roots begin to poke out through the bottom of the cubes, they are ready for transplanting into the NFT system. Lighting In northern climates, prolonged periods of short, overcast days can dramatically slow down growth rates of lettuce. Therefore, the judicious use of horticultural grow lights is 114 Maximum Yield USA  |  January 2015 often recommended. Plants need full-spectrum light, with both the blue and red ends of the spectrum for vigorous growth. During the vegetative growth stage, plants prefer the blue end of the spectrum. Blue light at the 460-nm wavelength greatly influences phototropism—the tendency of plants to lean toward the light. If plants receive enough blue light in the 460-nm range, they tend to have a more compact growth habit. Also, blue is responsible for chlorophyll production more than other wavelengths. Metal halide grow lights are full-spectrum lamps, rich in the blue end of the spectrum, and they are well-suited for lettuce production. Advances in LED technology are also proving beneficial for indoor lettuce production.