Maximum Yield USA 2012 September | Page 90

hOW TO SUCCESSFULLY CHOOSE GROWING... Figure 3 diseases present in high humidity conditions.     Container size and shape  It was mentioned earlier that the size and shape of the containers in which the medium is placed determine the amount of water that the media hold. Take a look at the containers in figure three: All containers are of the same volume and are filled with the same medium. The blue area represents water. Since it is the same medium, the water reaches the same height in each of the containers. Moreover, according to the water retention curve of this medium, the same water content in per cent is measured at this height. However, due to the different shapes, the actual amount of water is different in each container. This results in a different water/air ratio in each container and in different irrigation management. Irrigation frequency and amount of water applied with each watering are determined by the available water content of the medium and by the container shape and size. For example, one irrigation cycle a day is not enough if the daily water consumption of the plant is higher than the amount of available water in the medium.    Hydraulic conductivity   88 Maximum Yield USA | September 2012 As the name suggests, hydraulic conductivity is the rate at which a medium transmits water. Hydraulic conductivity of media is not routinely measured in lab tests. Nevertheless, it is extremely important to understand its significance. Hydraulic conductivity is, in fact, the limiting factor of water uptake by plants in container media (rather than the water quantity in the medium). When transpiration rate exceeds the hydraulic conductivity of the medium, the plant cannot efficiently use the water contained in the medium and could wilt. In materials used for container media, the hydraulic conductivity decreases exponentially as the medium dries. This is because continuity of water is disrupted after the larger pores empty. MY