Maximum Yield USA 2012 March | Page 68

Building an effective fertilizer regimen because it is assumed that the gardener’s water supply will contain it. If your water supply has little calcium, though—or if you are using reverse osmosis water—then adding a calcium supplement might be necessary. Although calcium supplements at hydroponic stores are sold separately from the actual base fertilizers, calcium is so integral to basic plant functions that it should be considered part of your base formula. 66 Maximum Yield USA | March 2012 Vegetative Additives Once you are satisfied with your base formula you can start to add amendments specific to the stage of growth or a particular purpose. Some crops like lettuce only have a vegetative stage and therefore the focus on amendments should be for this stage only. Additives containing growth hormones like kelp can accelerate growth throughout the vegetative period and enhance the plant’s overall health. Other additives for the vegetative period—and my personal favorites—are root enhancers. There are a variety of enzyme formulas and beneficial microorganisms that promote root growth. Root enhancers will help build root mass, thus increasing nutrient uptake and overall performance. If you are growing a crop that has a fruiting/ flowering stage you can also increase your yields by increasing the root mass in the vegetative stage. Plants with large, healthy roots perform better and are more resistant to potential problems as well. A recent advancement in plant stimulators is the use of protein hydrolysate. Protein hydrolysate is a mixture of amino acids prepared by splitting a protein with an enzyme. In the case of plant additives we use the hydrolysis process to produce L-amino acids, the type of amino acids used by plants. Amino acids are the basic building blocks for the proteins and enzymes required for the structural integrity and metabolic functions of plants. By supplementing L-amino acids directly to our plants we can boost their metabolisms, resulting in faster growth and stronger resistance to pathogens. Protein hydrolysate can be used throughout the plant’s entire life, making it a great vegetative and blooming additive.