Maximum Yield USA 2012 March | Page 176

Plants Know Best In 1924 the spiritual scientist Rudolf Steiner delivered lectures in response to a request by farmers who had noticed degraded soil conditions and deterioration in the health and quality (or life force) of crops and livestock, resulting from the use of chemical fertilizers. These eight lectures became known as the Agriculture Course, and are a must-read for anyone who strives to understand plants and their relation to the natural world. Steiner opens the lectures by speaking on how rhythms indicate the degree to which natural beings have become emancipated from their relation to nature. This emancipation from nature is almost complete for human life, and is expressed as free will. Plant life, on the other hand, is still to a high degree immersed in the general life of nature, which is why the moon and other celestial bodies so strongly influence plant growth—as demonstrated in farmer’s almanacs with concepts such as ‘sow by the moon’ and in planting calendars such as the Stella Natura. The scope of this article is not sufficient to fully express these concepts, but suffice it to say that the organization of what Steiner called the ‘higher energy bodies’ corre- Humans are unique in possessing an ego, or the ability to recognize ourselves in the mirror. sponds directly with how we experience nature. Humans are unique in possessing an ego, or the ability to recognize ourselves in the mirror. Animals possess no ego, but they do, along with humans, possess an astral—or soul—body. This is the bearer of pleasure and pain, cravings, desires and passions. It is the astral body that regulates instinct, and it is also at work in the human dream state. Plants are not subject to the influence of emotion. According to Steiner, however, they do possess an ‘etheric’ body. This energy body can be explained as being responsible for fighting off decay. This is why seeds can sprout in a compost pile—even though decay is being encouraged, life can emerge. When a plant dies and the physical body is removed from its energetic association with the etheric body, only then does it begin to decompose. The same is true for all living organisms. This occurs through the phenomenon of resonance. When the higher energy bodies are no longer retained in the physical body, the frequency is changed and the physical organism begins to break down. So how does this apply to the grow room? The short answer is—in every way possible. The point of a grow room is to grow living organisms: plants. We are bringing living systems into our grow rooms and only considering the 174 Maximum Yield USA | March 2012