Masters of Health Magazine September 2017 | Page 99

Also, multiplicity of biochemical imbalances can create both physical and mental/emotional symptoms. For example, eating disorders, which cause a person to be ill and fatigued, can also frequently cause the afflicted person to have a distorted view of the world. A metabolic pattern is a combination of mineral levels and/or mineral ratios that reveal how the body is responding to stress. Mineral ratios represent mineral relationships and balances in the body.


Early in the twentieth century, Dr. William Albrecht, first explored the affect each mineral has on the other minerals in the soil and in plant life. This mineral relationship is the same in the human body. Biochemical balances and imbalances affect the functions of the body’s organs, glands, hormones, and ability to reproduce. The amount of energy a person has is determined by the relationships between the minerals in the body.

In fact, all body activities, including cleansing and healing, depend on adequate energy synthesis. For instance, energy is needed to express love. A person with sufficient energy abounds with good health, charisma, excitement, and sexual vibrations. Without high levels of energy, it is difficult to be outwardly loving. A person who is lacking energy is often depressed, has little self- esteem, an inhibited personality, and generally little ability to express much passion.

The thyroid gland and the adrenal glands supply the body with more than 98 percent of its energy. In addition, the efficiency of these glands determines the body’s oxidation type or speed of metabolism. The four main minerals in the body that help to regulate the thyroid and adrenal gland are calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.

One of the most important mineral ratios in the body is the sodium/potassium ratio, which indicates vitality and the electrical balance within and between the cells. Sodium is an extracellular element, while potassium is an intracellular element.

Cell permeability refers to the ability of substances to move into or out of the cell by crossing the cell membrane. Sodium and potassium tend to increase the cell’s exchanges along with the entrance of water-soluble toxins. Calcium and magnesium tend to reverse this situation. Thus, balancing these minerals ensures the correct degree of cell permeability, which is very important in maintaining good health.


The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, which regulate many functions in the body. The sympathetic branch activates the brain, muscles, the thyroid and adrenal glands. It operates primarily during the day, is associated with expending energy, and is catabolic (breaking down body tissues). It is also balanced by the parasympathetic branch, which is associated with the nurturing and regeneration of body tissues.

The parasympathetic branch is restful, conserving of energy, and is anabolic or builds up new tissues. Healing requires that one spend sufficient time in a parasympathetic state to permit proper digestion, elimination of toxins, repairing, and rebuilding of the body. A person is more parasympathetic when relaxing, resting, or sleeping.

The calcium/phosphorus ratio on a hair mineral analysis is an indicator of an individual’s autonomic state.Maintaining a proper balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches is critical to healing.