Masters of Health Magazine September 2017 | Page 23

May the words of Swami Sivananda lead us all back to our Mother, through the

meditation on unity of all:

“See life as a whole. All life is one. All life proceeds from the Absolute, which is the only one and only Reality. The world is one home. All are members of one human family. All creation is an organic whole. No man is independent of that whole. Man makes himself miserable, by separating himself from others. Separation is death. Unity is eternal life. Cultivate cosmic love. Include all. Embrace all. Destroy all barriers that separate man from man. Recognize the non-dual principle, the immortal essence, within all beings.

Protect animals. Let all life be sacred. Then this world will be a paradise of beauty, a heaven of peace and tranquility.

Smile with the flowers and the green grass. Play with butterflies, birds and deer. Shake hands with the shrubs, ferns and twigs of trees. Talk to the rainbow, wind, stars, and the sun. Converse with the running brooks and the waves of the sea. Speak with the walking stick! Develop friendship with your neighbors, dogs, cats, cows, human beings, trees, flowers, etc. Then you will have a wide, perfect, rich, full life. You will realize oneness or unity of life. This can be hardly described in words. You will have to feel yourself.”

Swami Sivananda

Open Your Heart to Love

by Prem Sadasivananda

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