Masters of Health Magazine October 2017 | Page 76

You can start using your perception of music has a brain work-out : Stop everything and take ½ hour to sit down and only do this :

Put music that you like and listen with concentrated attention , one thing that your brain cells enjoy the most is to discover things that were there and you weren’t CONSCIOUS of, like mathematical combinations of notes, repetitions of rhythmic patterns, dynamic changes , colors of the different instruments, separation of high and low intervals or pitches (notes) , emotional values , etc.

By practicing this several times on the same piece of music you will develop a particular skill of perceiving Vibrational fields (Sound) in a more profound and active way, and at the same time receiving the benefit of the vibration itself on your brain cells being activated by your consciousness ( electrical connections between the 2 brain hemispheroids ) .

Every cell is alive communicating very important data of your life experience, our communication with the cells is very important, they are listening continuously trying to interpret our intentions.

If you use this creatively they react creating new connections in your brain which charges your MINDSOUL with positive photons of life. In this way you will remain younger forever within your MINDSOUL ETERNAL . Till next time,

Love Supreme!!!

Rev. Jorge Alfano