Masters of Health Magazine November 2018 | Page 91

When we think deeply of the nature of our connection with others, the connection we have with one another, the land we live on and the air and water we share with all other beings, the bond with the whole of Mother Nature and this vast universe, we cannot but be struck with awe and wonder.

In such a meditative mood we become aware of our deep and intimate kindred with all forms of life, and we realize that in that vast web of life we are all brothers and sisters. We are all interdependent; we are part of the organic whole. We can learn these truths from our body in which all cells and organs work harmoniously in unison, in order to create a beautiful symphony full of accord and grace. We are all bound by the invisible divine laws.

“It is not possible to pluck a flower without causing a distant star to die.” William Blake

The One reality manifests as many. In the hearts of all sensitive souls, this realization brings a tremendous feeling of gratitude and joy.

To feel and to know that all life experiences are guided by the Supreme Intelligence is to know true joy. The reason people are not happy is that they often lack gratitude. Their hearts are closed to the gifts of life and, in life, they are not aware of the immense power of grace.

A person without gratitude is cut off from the spring of life.

Gratitude is an expression of love.

“Gratitude is a warm and friendly feeling towards a benefactor. It is a sense of appreciation of favors received, accompanied with goodwill towards the benefactor. Gratitude is an emotion or sentiment of thankfulness, kindness or goodwill. Gratitude is a duty which ought to be repaid. It is much more than verbal expression of thanks. It is an indication of a noble nature. It is a virtue most deified. It is not only the memory of the benefit received from a good and kind person, but the homage of the heart rendered to him for his or her good deed.” Sivananda

The power of gratitude is the power behind life and healing. Those who are grateful receive blessings and the limitless support of the vast creation, sustaining them from every direction. They are reborn every moment and the spring of creativity flows in them.

Gratitude allows us to feel the connection with all beneficial forces and entities both within and without. It is the most important quality of an aspirant and is the cradle of humility, kindness, love and generosity. To be grateful is to earn the blessings of all those with whom we come into contact. Be grateful for every experience, as every experience is a precious teacher.

Gratitude should be extended to all, since we are all interwoven in this incredible matrix of existence called life. Be grateful for the gifts even from those who may have caused you suffering—the lessons they taught you made you stronger, wiser, kinder and of sterner stuff.

The Altitude of Your Gratitude