Masters of Health Magazine November 2018 | Page 15


MarBeth is an empath, intuitive, coach and mentor, who can accurately pinpoint the hidden is-sues holding you back from your greatest successes. To that end, she has developed the powerful Energy Management © System, an integrative approach to activate Your Miracle Power break-throughs to greater confidence, alignment, financial success, emotional freedom, peace of mind, and more harmonious relationships. MarBeth created and lead the successful World Miracle Peace Experiment that united individuals the world over to promote global peace through medi-tation. A spiritual teacher for over 30 years, MarBeth has been featured on several television networks across the US, including FOX, NBC, CBS, and The CW. She was recently featured in My Authentic Life and OneMag magazines. Learn more at

If possible, get to a place where you can close your eyes and do some deep breathing so you can begin to feel more peaceful. From this space, it will be easier to work through your feelings and open yourself to see things with more empathy and compassion.

Recognizing that certain environments and people have triggered your reactions over the years should allow you the freedom to then embrace the fact that you can choose to have a different response this year, or participate for a shorter time. Set your intention in advance to have peaceful interactions.

Another way to ward off the holiday blues is to make sure you practice the art of extreme self-care. What do you need to be happy “normally”? Can you give yourself a little extra? More sleep, more time to be alone (or less), more exercise or perhaps a treat, like a facial or a massage, can work wonders. Be very attentive to taking care of you.

If you’re missing your loved ones, the holiday season can be especially lonely. Be gentle with yourself. Don’t stuff your emotions, allow yourself to feel them, even if they’re not comfortable. Be proactive by setting up a support system before the holidays. If you’re feeling down, don’t hesitate to support yourself by reaching out to others. You are not alone! There are plenty of people feeling the same way you are.

You can also boost your spirits by volunteering or being of service to others. Since giving and receiving are the same, you will feel better about yourself when you reach out to support other people.

If you find that memories of holidays past generate sadness, why not open your-self to finding new ways to celebrate the holidays by creating a different tradi-tion? It’s also important to take time for yourself by exercising, or walking in na-ture, and be sure to get enough rest.

Are finances a source of stress of anxiety this time of year? There are many ways you can give a meaningful gift without spending any money at all! The gift of your time by running errands, babysitting or pet sitting, housecleaning etc, might be greatly appreciated by your loved ones. You may be providing them with a solu-tion to a problem that has been causing them stress! These services can add up quickly so if they are short on funds, your gift would be most welcome.

Finally, it’s more important than ever during the holidays to set good boundaries. It’s okay to say no to things that you don’t want to do. Sure, some people may be disappointed but don’t feel guilty about choosing to do what would be the best for you. After all, this is your holiday season too!

Give yourself the the gift of the extra time, attention and love you need and de-serve this season so you can be relaxed and joyful... and enjoy your holidays!