Masters of Health Magazine November 2018 | Page 117

The concept of vibration changing matter - energy defining reality - occurs on every level. A manifestation of the vibratory forces that control our universe on the grandest scale is seen in the origins and destinies of stars and galaxies; tiny ripples of gravitational energy form the starting nucleus for star creation. Subtle energies - revealed to us individually in defining the shape of a snowflake - show us the divine in the everyday world.

Harmony is a state of bliss AND it also is the perfect interplay of vibrations - from a violin or in the deepest workings of subatomic particles. Current scientific thought suggests that the material world is held together by harmony or resonance - that mysterious force that determines how subatomic particles relate and bond with one another and controls how oscillations of galactic gravitational fields interact. These very same invisible forces rule in our subjective worlds, as music changes our moods and dispositions. Once we truly understand these fundamental energies we can apply them to every aspect of our lives - elevating our existence.

Just as no two snowflakes are exactly alike, no two people's energies are identical. Their beauty is in their variety and endless expressions. Sound vibration influences matter; a microcosm of the universe's vast oneness of matter & energy is the freezing of water into an infinite number of snowflakes. Energy affects matter... amazingly subtle, targeted, precise energy packets can tune our bodies, grow our minds, harmonize our souls and make perfect beauty in nature.

Enjoy the blessed holiday season and get past the material. Remember your Holistic nature - you have a divine element. Enjoy the blessings of a song and in a snowflake. The universe is one of matter and energy - inseparable, indivisible, ONE. Nurture and strengthen your spirit, Believe.