Masters of Health Magazine November 2017 | Page 75

The Art of Listening,

a path to Oneness

By Rev. Jorge Alfano B.MSc, C.H.

You are driving your car and all of the sudden they play that song on the radio that takes you from this reality to a time in your past where you used to enjoy that music so much!!!!

Your face lights up and your heart warms up with emotional energy, your body synchronizes with the beat your entire being wakes up to this different reality. All of this happens in one second while you are still driving your car and making dangerous decisions on a busy street!

Amazing, the power of multitasking that our Mind has its amazing! and to be aware of this power it’s what we call CONSCIOUSNESS . One of the greatest secrets of spiritual wellness it’s to cultivate this consciousness through the practice of Deep Listening.

This involves listening to your emotions, listening to your Mind (not your ego/personality) and listening to your body, all of these 3 centers have the material (education) for a Higher Vibrational state of Being and Consciousness. To elevate yourself from a denser or lower state of being like depression, anger, envy, material worries, greed, negative thoughts, violence, etc., into a Higher state of Being practice meditation and Deep Listening.

We are born into this material world to experience all densities of consciousness this becomes our Inner Work which will allow us to remember what we are and where we come from.

We are not our body, our emotions, or our thoughts, we are beyond that! This is why we need to be conscious so we can live a life of Truth and Love which are two frequencies of being that are of the Highest. These frequencies are audible by the Conscious Mind and they produce the most beautiful music (not a mystical interpretation) that will influence your level of Consciousness in your everyday life on Earth.