Masters of Health Magazine November 2017 | Page 32

What is needed today is a new paradigm of thought. Einstein said well that no problem could be solved on the same level on which it was created.

Every solution has to proceed from the level above it. For example, a problem that may be caused by dislike or hatred cannot be solved by hating the hater!

Hatred can only be healed and removed by love and compassion; anger by patience and forgiveness, fear by courage. Life is a constant calling to rise above our limitations, above our own self.

The new paradigm of thought requires that we examine everything in the light of our intuition and higher understanding. Much too often the life is governed by nothing but fear, selfishness, anger, lust and hatred.

Since all actions and events ultimately have thoughts as their causes, it proceeds then without the question, that every person is responsible for their thoughts and their influence on the world we all share. This way we will create a new civilization. The new civilization will concentrate on ethical, spiritual and practical education.

It will encourage all to study ethics, philosophy, religion and the spiritual laws. The study of these subjects should be made compulsory in schools and colleges.

The new civilization will be such where all will have plenty of scope for self-development and the service of other members of the large family called humanity.

All people should concentrate on the principle of ceaseless giving and selflessness as it is only in serving others that we actively demonstrate that love is the highest principle of life. To share what we have, to love all, and to realize that our own Self dwells in all is the pinnacle of life.

“What an ideal society it will be, where people share with others all that they possess, and serve everyone!

Where is the need for taxes and duties in such a society in which everyone voluntarily works for the common good?

Where is the need for the police and the army when people are devoted to virtue? This then is the ideal. Towards this end, let everyone strive to generate a thought-force.” Swami Sivananda