Masters of Health Magazine March 2018 | Page 48

What Causes Candida Overgrowth and How to Overcome It

So what causes the Candida overgrowth in the first place and how can you eliminate it? The most common cause is a diet high in sugar, refined carbs, and even beneficial fermented foods such as Kombucha, kefir, pickles, or sauerkraut. All of these foods feed the yeast, allowing it to multiply quickly and get out of control.

You may also develop Candida overgrowth after taking antibiotics because, along with fighting bad bacteria, they wipe out the good bacteria (or probiotics) that live in your gut and typically keep the yeast in check. In addition, other medications including birth control pills and NSAIDs such as ibuprofen can also lead to an overpopulation of Candida.

Fortunately, by eliminating or minimizing the yeast-feeding foods, attacking the yeast with targeted supplements, and restoring your good bacteria with probiotics, you can get your Candida back under control and restore your natural production of serotonin in order to eliminate mood swings!

By Dr. Amy Myers, MD

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Dr. Eric Z, is happy to introduce Amy Myers MD, who is the author of this informative article and is a functional medicine pioneer, who has empowered thousands of people around the world to beat Candida and take back their health.

She is the New York Times bestselling author of The Autoimmune Solution and The Thyroid Connection, and the founder and medical director of Austin UltraHealth.