Masters of Health Magazine June 2018 | Page 69

You seem to, in fact, stand up for conflict by living it, not for peace. You fight here and there, and complain that the world is full of difficult and impossible people. And if in your evening prayer you say, “Let there be peace in the world,” and do not try to live it in every single moment, then you don’t have faith, you don’t believe in peace. If you did believe in peace, you would have worked on creating that peace within yourself. You only have an intellectual belief void of real experience and essence. This is why it is often said that “our actions speak louder then our thoughts”.

Such attitudes, deprived of living faith, will never bear fruits. This is certainly the most difficult problem for most of us – to walk our talk, to let our faith be expressed in action. If you truly want something to become a part of you, then you have to work very, very hard at it.

Once mastered, even your mere presence will inspire others and instill the atmosphere of respect. If you have proper faith, it shines on its own.

Therefore have faith.

“Life is faith and illumination. Without faith, life is impotent. Without illumination, life is blind. Faith electrifies life. You waiver in your experience when your faith is wavering. Faith has the power to remove all obstacles in a path. Faith gives divine enthusiasm and gives expression to divine aspiration. Aspiration is the highest form of faith. Be strong in faith and have the right faith enkindled in the heart. The delight of life is in the constant striving for actualizing the ideal. And unless we claim the touch of divine faith within us, we do not see the joy of a new creation, a new realization, a new life and a new dream.”

Without faith it is blind. We need today the creative force of faith, the faith that discerns without logic, the faith that electrifies, the faith that removes all barriers and obstacles from its path and is anxious to fill us with divine enthusiasm and to give expression to the divine in man. Be strong in faith and be complete in the light faith enkindles in the heart… If the power of intellect can discern the ideals of life, the power of faith retains them and makes them active in us.

The delight of life is in the constant striving for actualizing the ideal, and unless we can claim the touch of divine faith in us, we do not see the joy of a new creation, a new realization, a new life, a new dream.”

Swami Sivananda