Masters of Health Magazine July 2017 | Page 92

Genetic manipulation is a prime example of this mechanistic approach. Although scientists may understand how to remove and to replace genes (as though they were computer chips), genetic manipulation has consequences. Like so many forms of mechanization, genetic modification is an attempt to manipulate and to control Nature. It supports greed, rather than the “creative system” with a greater purpose.

Today, computers and computerized machines practically run our world. Yet, as powerful as our technology has become, it has crippled us in many ways, and it has disconnected us from the Earth. On the other hand, we are on the verge of a new way of thinking that will bring us back to harmony with Nature and the Earth. One thing that will result is a new form of technology based on the natural approach.

Natural technology emulates Nature. It takes into consideration everything we have learned from our machines and our mechanization and then weaves Nature back into the picture. Where water is concerned, natural purification technologies take gravity into account and they consider the way water slowly percolates through multi-layers of rock and soil in the Earth.

When it comes to revitalizing water, flow forms and egg-shaped vessels will eventually replace machines that zap and electrocute water to obtain desired results.

These natural methods take into consideration water’s requirement for spiral movement – and stillness, and they acknowledge the need for a dark and cool environment in which water can “breathe” as it matures. Natural programming (adding energetic “information” as vibrations and beneficial frequencies from Earthly or Celestial sources) has many unrecognized benefits that go far beyond anything man can add to water; it is what water is always seeking.

Even though we are beginning to understand water’s need for the natural approach, we are still tempted to use it as a machine—adding information and programming it without a thought for its life force.

We have yet to understand that when we have thoughts and feelings of gratitude and love, water is much more responsive to us and we are more responsive to water because we respect the life within it. This is a deeper level of the dance with water that we are still learning.

While there are many good technologies for treating and revitalizing water (some of them machines), the authors of Dancing with Water have found that simple is usually better.

They believe that even the best of the “machines” will eventually be replaced by more natural technologies that allow water the freedom to respond in the dance as an equal partner. The authors invite everyone to join them in their “Dance with Water.”