Masters of Health Magazine July 2017 | Page 58

Dr. Geoff Pain

Geoff Pain, Ph.D. B.Sc. (Hons.). Grad. Dip. Bus. (Management, Strategy and Innovation)

Scientist and political activist (Life Member of the Australian Labor Party). Geoff is the author of over 100 scientific papers and patents and has written articles in the popular press. He has been interviewed on radio and television (including Four Corners, 7.30) on a wide range of topics including toxic industrial pollution from the alumina and desalination industries.

Born in Melbourne, he persuaded his parents to give him his first chemistry set at age 11, studied Maths, Physics, Information Science, Biochemistry and Chemistry and obtained his Ph.D. with chemical synthesis and structural characterization of new organometallic molecules with unusual structures and fluxional behaviour.

His post-doctoral career took him to Monash, Bristol, Cambridge, Adelaide, UWA and Notre Dame (Fremantle) universities.

Current interests include optoelectronic biomonitoring, prime numbers, biofuels, recycling plastics and salt as a building material.

Geoff was a member of the former Western Australia Environment Minister Panel of Experts, and advised the Minister to close Brookdale Liquid Waste Treatment Plant and not to proceed with a similar plant at Kemerton industrial park. He expects to see a worldwide ban on Fluoridation within his lifetime.

Analytical Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Biochemistry

Doctor of Philosophy

Exposing corruption in the Fluoridation industry

Human toll of the Alumina industry

Eucalyptus biomass utilization

1,096 Citations

Featured research

View all Projects (7)

Technical Report: Submission to Health Select Committee New Zealand Parliament calling for Cessation of Water Fluoridation and Permanent Immobilization of Toxic Fluoride Waste from Phosphate Fertilizer Manufacture

Mar 2017

Technical Report: Fluoride is a developmental Nephrotoxin – coming to a Kidney near you

Jan 2017

Technical Report: Mechanisms of Fluoride Neurotoxicity A quick guide to the literature

Jan 2017

Fluoride causes Heart Disease, Stroke and Sudden Death

Geoff Pain

Fluoride Studies and Reviews