Masters of Health Magazine January 2019 | Page 21

The World Miracle Peace Experiment

My World Miracle Peace Experiment was based on the work of world renowned physicist, Dr. John Hagelin, who led peace experiments over 25 years ago involving transcendental meditation. In one event in Washington, DC, crime and social stress declined over 23%. In another, in Israel, the death toll dropped in neighboring Lebanon.

While Dr. Hagelin’s peace experiment involved meditators physically present, practicing transcendental meditation, PeaceCasters joined my guided meditation from all over the world via a daily LIVE broadcast on FaceBook. It was an experiment in remote influence, that explored the synergy and power of people uniting on a spiritual level and tapping into the Universal Field of Love, Peace, and Miracles.

The PeaceCasters and I joined together daily to access the Field in my 7 minute guided meditation. I guided them to extend love, peace, and miracles to the Middle East, and we measured the impact of our Experiment with independent statistics from the ACLED.

The PeaceCasters joined the meditation live or when they were available during the day. The living field remained viable and accessible.

Every one of the hundreds of meditations I led was unique, with the information coming through spontaneously when I opened my mouth to speak. The field was so powerful, my arms would often tingle from the energy generated by our combined focus.

The Unified Field

I’ve known for a long time that we are one. As an empath, intuitive, and master energy healer, I can feel (in my body), where my clients are holding the issues keeping them stuck in unproductive or painful patterns, whether they are physically present, or far across the world. I receive accurate information as their bodies communicate with me directly, so I can help them break free from the chains holding them back.

According to John Hagelin, one single Universal field of intelligence is the foundational basis of the Universe, and all particles of matter are essentially part of a Universal ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness in motion. We are ripples on a single ocean of existence that is the basis of everything.*

The focused group meditation was the perfect medium to guide the Peace Casters to access the field.

The Results are in

During my initial 30 day, experiment, the level of violence dropped significantly in the Middle East*, and, the participants themselves, received numerous benefits including improved health, deep peace, calm, and greater sense of well being.

Encouraged by our initial success, I continued the experiment throughout the summer and fall, adding additional guest meditation leaders. The statistics again showed a significant drop in the violence during the period of our experiment.

Why did the experiment work?

Human existence is but a small aspect of our limitless, spiritual Selves. Focusing on our physicality contributes to feelings of separation, specialness, and differences. Immense power can be activated when we join together in a unified goal, recognize our oneness, and access the Field of Love, Peace, and Miracles.

In the World Miracle Peace Experiment meditations, we raised our vibrational frequency with thoughts of gratitude and appreciation. We sent blessings of love and peace to each other and toward the Middle East, and we felt waves of love and peace envelop us.

Together, we accessed the living field of consciousness, of love, peace, and miracles and confirmed that we are exponentially more powerful united as one than we are individually.