Masters of Health Magazine January 2019 | Page 13

We have since been consumed by the passion born of the discovery of a profound and life-changing piece of truth: That is, nutritional magnesium is not only a piece, but the key stone of energy metabolism driving all living things. Magnesium is indeed ‘The Master Mineral’.

The point of good lifestyle choices is not just about fixing health problems, but more about avoiding them in the first place. At the root of all disease is stress and inflammation of some kind, somewhere in the body: be it arteries, muscles and joints, as well as organs including heart, skin, brain, liver, kidney and lungs.

Since magnesium is a proven anti-inflammatory mineral, it makes sense to do what you can to ensure optimal magnesium status, particularly because our food supply has become so deficient in magnesium (more than most other minerals).

Be wary of assuming that you have enough magnesium just from a blood test however, as only 1% of magnesium is in blood. 99% resides in tissue cells (e.g. muscle and bone), and the tissue cells can sacrifice their magnesium stores to replenish blood supplies. Blood magnesium status is not a reliable indicator of total body magnesium reserves.

When magnesium reserves are low, voltage is depressed in every organ system. An optimal level of magnesium conversely helps us to experience life with so much more pleasure and joy because it ignites our energy supply. Just try to experience happy emotions when you are depleted of energy, stiff, congested, or in pain!

Magnesium helps cells to hydrate better; it is essential for mitochondria to make ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy currency and storage batteries of cells; and it is necessary to make proteins including enzymes, hormones, and collagen in skin and bone. Many researchers have called it the ‘Fountain of Youth’. It does indeed help the body to stay flexible, stretchy, and juicy longer. It also helps stave off the drying calcifications and other ageing effects resulting from excessive and chronic stress over time.

And for stress relief… well! I say to all the Mums and carers out there, if your family comes home from work or school grumpy, cranky and stressed, then chill them right out with a good dose of magnesium. It is the best nutritional stress relief I know of and it works fast and very pleasantly - transdermally.

Don’t worry about overdose via skin, as the body’s uptake of magnesium is self-regulating. Just like the uptake of vitamin D from the epidermal reservoir, the body absorbs the magnesium it can cope with at any one time. If you are very deficient, magnesium will go in faster. If not, then it absorbs more slowly.

My advice is to be generous with your offerings of magnesium via skin and listen for the body’s feedback in order to adjust as required. We have been able to share our revelations about magnesium and transdermal absorption with so many people over the years. Many have come back with tears of appreciation to have their life back on track and feel good again. We also supply Elektra Magnesium products to hundreds of health and wellness clinics who use and recommend our brand.

Ageing doesn’t need to be accompanied by afflictions such as diabetes, heart or kidney disease, immune disorders or cancer. It is very achievable to age gracefully, well and healthy, with your faculties working - and without degenerative or debilitating disease. It’s all about nutrition and lifestyle – that is getting the full package together: a nutritionally balanced fresh food diet, plenty of transdermal magnesium, clean water, fresh air, exercise, sunshine, and some fun and games with your loved ones!