Masters of Health Magazine February 2019 | Page 61

Common Lower Back Injuries & Pain

Lower back pain can be the result of acute injury like a bulging disc or from chronic repetitive movement that can cause issues like a pinched nerve. On the flip side, tight and/or weak muscles in a major muscle group like the hip flexors can cause persistent pain. Regardless of the cause, the objective is the same. To reduce and eliminate pain.

Some of these injuries will require outside help from a medical professional like a chiropractor or spinal physician. Others, like those issues related to weak or tight muscles, can be treated through lower back exercises and stretches. And when your back is strong and your body is flexible, not only do you feel better, but the likelihood of developing lower back pain will be greatly reduced.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is one of the most common causes of lower back pain. The spinal discs that act as shock absorbers for the vertebrae naturally degenerate over time through the aging process. The pain is most often felt in either the cervical spine and the lower back and can also be related to other issues like a herniated disc or osteoarthritis. (3)

Pinched or Compressed Nerve

The pain of a pinched nerve is caused by that nerve being compressed between ligament, tendons and bone either through repetitive motion or that area being held in a particular position for a long period of time. The treatment options vary from medication to physical therapy to surgery depending on the severity.

Muscle or Ligament Strain

Muscle and ligament strains are very common and can occur when the muscles are stretched too far. Lifting an object that is too heavy, over stretching the lower back muscles, falling and/or extreme physical exertion can weaken the muscles in the lower back which creates instability in the spine and can cause pain. In this case, treatment options include rest and anti-inflammatory medication as well as light stretching and improving overall strength and muscle tone. (4)

Lack of Exercise

As humans, we are meant to move. When we can’t, either because of health issues or lifestyle factors, our muscles and joints become tight and weak. This is how pain develops over time. But when lack of exercise is the predominant cause of lower back pain, the treatment becomes simple. A little exercise goes a long way especially when you focus on lower back exercises and stretches.

What can I do to strengthen my lower back? When thinking about lower back workouts, you want to include leg and low back exercises (like squats and deadlifts), but also abdominal exercises (like crunches and plank holds), as well as movements for your upper back (like pull-ups and ring rows). For the fullest and most focused workouts to improve lower back strength and function, make sure you target the following muscle groups:

Erector spinae

Latissimus dorsi

Gluteus maximus, medius and minimus



Hip flexors


What exercises strengthen the back? Almost any exercises can train your core and lower back muscles. The key is to perform each exercise with good posture and a tight core to reinforce good habits and increase the effectiveness of each movement.

Best Lower Back Exercises