Masters of Health Magazine February 2018 | Page 74

After thousands of years and many different approaches to peace, humankind seems not to be able to shake the virus of violence in the many different forms that manifests in our lives.

We have progressed in the knowledge of many fields from technology to medicine, agriculture to aerodynamics, from science to the arts and so forth, fear have been pushing us into this state of unconscious inertia where we don't know how to stop and revise what are we doing .

Big changes are due to happen in order to keep conscious evolution happening. I know that this has been said many times by great masters of all kinds and may be is time to apply it now.

We have structured many sciences into bodies of knowledge and we love to give each other titles of great Universities, Ministries, Colleges , and we are so proud of them to the point that our arrogance makes us forget why we study so hard for …… Serve !

Remembering this in itself should be enough to cure many of the contemporary psychosomatic diseases that are part of this virus of indifference and obliviousness .

We have progress greatly in curing the symptoms of many disharmonies and in many cases cure the malady .

We even have tremendous research into medicine, plants and chemicals with a lot of data on how to heal this antiquated outfit ( our body ) made out of animal parts. Since we are the hybrids call Hu-mans.

The cure to the infectious virus of violence located in our DNA in some 80% of Hu-mans , cures also many other diseases that are invisible to our regular healing methods but are the cause of much disharmony.

We have spend so much time in creating sciences out of anything we discover, but we keep missing the greatest most essential science of Universal creation, and this is what in our poor language translate as LOVE.

The science of Love, so much MIS-information has been put on this that we have lost it……..

The science of Love teach us how to re-educate our personality to serve the Essence ( who we really are ) and all our major systems : Intellectual, Emotional and Motor.

Once we learn how to use the energy of Love in a conscious way we can harmonize any relationship, sickness, situation, etc. in a continues effort to eliminate the virus of automatic pre-program violence , greed, selfishness, jealousy, abuse, ignorance, etc…….

S.O.L ( Science Of Love) establishes a clear methodology on how to use and manipulate the energy of Creation in all manifestations in yourself, in others, in healing situations, at work, at home , in life , It will clear the path to return to the source and for adding real meaning to your life and its existence.

This is the first science of Creation without it there is not conscious evolution, this is the Sacred Key where all spiritual traditions end .

Start practicing today by meditating on how much your energy of Love could do to serve or help someone beside yourself. By accumulating and practicing this energy the way to immortality becomes available .

Health is Love in action!

(From the upcoming “Science Of Love” (SOL) series on: )

Till next time, have a ‘Loving’ life.

Rev. Jorge Alfano,

Love Supreme

Only L ve will save us!