Masters of Health Magazine December 2017 | Page 42

In addition to magnesium baths you can also massage the back or feet with magnesium cream for relaxation and better sleep.

Foods high in magnesium can be added to diet such as green leafy vegetables, seaweed and bone broth. Natural coconut water is a good magnesium electrolyte replacement and re-hydrating food, as well as a favourite taste treat with many children. Filtered water remineralised with food grade magnesium chloride fakes makes a velvety smooth tasting, alkalising and more hydrating drinking water. You can also use it to make cups of tea and to cook with. Cells need mineral water. The bigger the stress on the body the more magnesium is required to rebalance.

Add natural vitamin C via herbal teas with honey, freshly squeezed lemon and grated ginger. And make sure to add plenty of cuddles to the mix!

Digestion slows down during an immune response and we don’t feel hungry because the body’s resources are occupied with a bigger challenge. In this case it’s best to let the stomach rest and to supply nutrients mostly via liquid foods (natural fresh foods and chemical-free of course).

Essential oils like frankincense, oregano, melaleuca and/or menthol with a pinch of magnesium chloride flakes in solution in a vaporiser can help to sooth irritation and relieve nasal or chest congestion.

(If children don’t respond and you become worried that it may be something more serious please seek the advice of your doctor.)

Natural food – Natural water

Flavouring meals with raw sea salt and sulphur-containing foods such as garlic, onions, ginger and sesame will enhance the nutritional quality and taste of those foods, as well as support their digestion. When mums-to-be enjoy eating this way during pregnancy (within their comfort zone) they are introducing a complex mix of flavours, vitamins and minerals so it becomes a recognisable imprint on the unborn. A breast-fed baby will be able to taste these flavours coming through the mother’s milk and grow accustomed to the taste of good nutrition.

Remember that water is the most important nutrient that must be consumed regularly throughout the day. If you don’t drink enough water your energy levels drop. Sugar only makes us thirstier and causes more acidity. If you keep drinking sugary sodas to quench a thirst all you do is pollute cells and deprive them of the ability to cleanse properly. ‘Sugar-free’ drinks are even worse due to the potential neurotoxicity of aspartame and similar chemicals.

Just because it’s a liquid, doesn’t mean it is water. All beverages are liquid foods and must be digested, which takes extra energy and effort. Some beverages can even deprive the body of more water than they donate. They don’t help cells flush their waste products like water does.

Water is our superior cellular cleanser and ideally should not contain chemicals of any sort – particularly not chlorine nor fluoride. Both these chemicals harm our beneficial gut bacteria and cause problems with digestion, including stomach aches and bloating. They can also cause skin irritations such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis or itchy rashes and dryness. You can boil the chlorine out of water but you can’t boil the fluoride out. The fluoride just becomes more concentrated and therefore more toxic in the boiled water. When fluoride mixes with hydrochloric acid in the stomach it forms hydrofluoric acid, which is corrosive to gut lining.