Masters of Health Magazine August 2018 | Page 114

* Fire - has the feel of enthusiasm and loving-vibrations that transmit joy. It has also been said that this quality conveys an impressive, exciting, arousing, awakening and horrible impression. When a person with this voice is unbalanced… he can be overwhelming, to the point of hysteria.

* Earth - has the feel of stillness, security, and quietude, being slow moving and reflective, low-pitched, calming and secure. The Earth voice creates hope inspiration and encouragement. In an unbalanced condition the person with this voice is too slow and depressed.

Which of these elemental sounds are in your voice? Simply “feel” what your voice reflects!

Practice using all of these voices, as if they were healing tools that you always have on hand! It is powerful to enhance the feelings associated with your words by adding the matching elemental sound. You can consciously change and manipulate your voice to get more of what you want in life. You can use your voice and be more effective in what you do, just as a persuasive speaker can sway his audience. You can do this by adding the sounds of the healing element to your voice, to improve your circumstances. Here are some examples.

* To encourage flexibility - put water sounds in your voice

* To increase strength - add an Earthy sound

* To let go of the past - use an airy voice

* To command immediate attention - add fire to your voice

* To calm someone down - show an Earthy sound in your voice

* To express compassion – add sounds with the water element sound

Subtly your sounds affect people. Use your voice to instill harmony and balance in your relationships, impacting others as well as yourself. Here are some examples:

* A fiery voice repels a metallic one, while it gives stability to the airy voice.

* A person with an earthy voice can make a water person feel stifled, while it soothes a fiery voice.

Lines on the Outside:

Fire Energy enhances Earth Energy

Earth Energy amplifies Metal Energy

Metal Energy increases Water Energy

Water Energy expands Wood Energy

Wood Energy escalates Fire Energy

Inner Lines:

Water Energy diminishes Fire Energy

Wood Energy shrinks Earth Energy

Fire Energy weakens Metal Energy

Metal Energy sedates Wood Energy

Earth Energy lessons Water Energy

Elemental energies stimulate or diminish each other

Fire stimulates Earth

Earth arouses metal

Metal fuels water

Water excites wood