Masters of Health Magazine August 2017 | Page 92

should be mandatory in all schools and public buildings.


Light waves are in accord with humans, and it is no coincidence that people love the Sun.  Humans have higher concentrations of electrons than other organisms.  Electrons serve as the resonance system for the Sun’s energy.  The Sun’s energy is enhanced even more with the consumption of electron-rich foods.  Foods containing essential fatty acids, especially unrefined, organic flax seed oil, provide a rich source of electrons.  Because electrons have a negative charge, they orbit around cell nuclei, which have a positive charge.  Electrons in motion produce an electrical charge. 

This, in turn, generates a magnetic field.  Essential fatty acids, protein, and natural daylight combined are necessary for this process.  This electrical current is what keeps the heart ticking and the blood circulating.  It also adds to our charisma, sex appeal, and magnetism.  Kirlian photography and Electro-photonics, based on a Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique, substantiate this.


GDV Bioelectrography, developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, PhD, of St. Petersburg, Russia, goes beyond Kirlian photography.  Dr. Korotkov is an expert in Bioenergy and has done a great deal of research into this for over four decades.  He has also published over 200 papers on physics and biology.  For more information, go to:  


It is known in physics that minerals, chemicals, and drugs absorb light waves.  Plus, all chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and drugs, including medication, caffeine, nicotine, and fluoride, accumulate in fatty tissue and bones.  These chemicals disrupt electrons in the cells.  Damaged fats (abundant in processed and fast foods), burnt or seared food, and refined sugar also disrupt electrons in the cells and create free radical damage (glycation).


When photons (lightwaves) penetrate the skin, they react with these chemicals and drugs and become distorted.  Brown spots or glycation are a common symptom of this cell damage.  Thus, the chemicals or drugs in the body distorting the lightwaves and disrupting the body’s electrons cause free radical damage.  In turn, this leads to cell mutations, cancers, and various other degenerative diseases.  Hence, the Sun is not entirely responsible for skin cancers, as is often claimed.  In fact, skin cancers are more prevalent in cooler regions and among those who use sunscreen. 


Many sunscreens contain toxic ingredients such as octinoxate, oxybenzone, octocrylene, or paraben compounds.  They also produce free radicals leading to cell damage or other skin or systemic diseases and cancers. Sunscreen sprays have the additional danger of being inhaled.


When minerals absorb photons, unlike chemicals or drugs, the Sun’s full-spectrum light waves are not distorted, and electrons are balanced.  Thus, they can facilitate the body’s electrical system (e.g., the heart) and enhance cellular functions.  In addition, antioxidants, omega 3 EFAs, and vitamin C, in particular, balance the electrons and help repair and rejuvenate cell damage.


In 1981, a climate of fear started with UV studies at the Medical College of Virginia,

Richmond, VA, USA.  Monkeys, in a cruel experiment, were tranquilized.  Then, their eyelids were pried open with lid clamps.  With their pupils dilated, researchers beamed light from a 2,500-watt xenon lamp into their eyes for 16 minutes.  

This intense light contained high levels of UV radiation.  After these monkeys received a highly abnormal and abusive exposure to ultraviolet light, there was some retinal damage.