Masters of Health Magazine April 2018 | Page 42

MTJ: Essential oils can be used 3 different ways: Aromatically, Topically, & Internally.

Aromatically: Breathe in or use a diffuser to: • Open airways • Boost mood • Freshen the air. By breathing in essential oils, they are quickly absorbed by the smell receptors, which have a direct link to the limbic system by way of the olfactory nerve. The limbic system is a part of the brain that supports a variety of functions including emotions, behavior, and memory.

Not all oils are created equal. Because doTERRA essential oils are CPTG, they can also be used Topically and Internally.

Topically: Apply to bottoms of the feet or affected areas to target specific needs. Because essential oils have low molecular weights and are lipid soluble, they easily penetrate the skin. Once absorbed, they stay in the applied area for a localized benefit.

Internally: Place drops in water, under the tongue, or into a veggie capsule and swallow. When taken internally, essential oils directly enter the blood stream via the gastrointestinal tract, where they are transported throughout the rest of the body.

LCD: Which essential oils do you like using and why?

MTJ: I usually let my mood or health direct which oils I use on a daily basis. However, I do have some staples that I wouldn't go a day without. Wild Orange and Peppermint are oils I use each morning to help wake me up and get my brain working. I am also a big fan of using Lavender to help calm me down at the end of my day and for sleep. I also use OnGuard and Frankincense to help boost my immune system on a regular basis.

LCD: What are your favorite oils and why?

MTJ: My favorite oil is Frankincense for many reasons. Known as the King of all Oils, it is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It is also great for supporting the immune, nervous, and digestive systems. Plus, it is great for the the skin and complexion. Overall, it has a calming aroma.

LCD: What are your favorite formulas and why?

MTJ: One of my favorite formulas to use when sick is called the Flu Bomb. Placing 2-3 drops of each oil in veggie cap provides an amazingly effective remedy in knocking out a cold/flu before it takes hold. Or, if you are already sick, it helps minimize the time, size, and symptoms.

LCD: You have two small children age 5 and 3. Do you use essential oils with your children?

MTJ: Yes, I use essential oils on my kids every day.

LCD: What benefits did you notice by using essential oils with your children?

MTJ: The colds my kids used to pick up from day-care are far less prevalent. Plus, its a way for me to connect with my kids, get them involved in their own health, and teach them how to empower themselves.

LCD: How can using essential oils improved someone’s wellbeing and home environment?

MTJ: Essential oils are safe and effective remedies that help people take control of their health and sense of wellbeing. They also create a healthy, pleasant, and relaxed ambience in one’s home.