Masters of Health Magazine June 2017 | Page 110

The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE

may be the most important book in history, following the Holy Bible and Aristotle’s Physics that birthed modern religions and science. The divided worlds of science and religion shall merge from this knowledge of “528”—the musical-mathematical frequency of spiritual energy fundamental to space/time. 528 unites every field, illuminating LOVE for the enlightenment of humankind. 528, “the universal LOVE constant,” manifests miracles from LOVE, and makes LOVE miraculous. 528 is responsible for the constant flow of LOVE that heals and sustains people spiritually. The heart of this clear-channel of music, 528Hz on the universal dial, broadcasts you into existence every nano-instant. These revelations compel civilization to builda new foundation in celebration of LOVE that is sourcing, unifying, and guiding all creation. May this 528 “key of the house of David” facilitate civilization’s salvation through spiritual evolution. Enjoy the first chapter of this amazing book.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz

The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE

Award winning author,

Filmmaker, Whistleblower,

Music industry Evolutionary,

Natural Medicine Pioneer