Master of Simplicity Magazine ENGLISH #5 September/October 2017 | Page 7


a better way to live

There are more and more people

getting to know minimalism through

the internet and google. It is great to be

inspired by blogs and various

websites, in which anyone writes

what they think, applying the

concept on themselves and their

understanding. However, few are

those who study their meaning and

investigate the matter. You need to

understand minimalism in more

detail to be able to take advantage

of it.

In the lectures and workshops that

I minister, I seeks to show the

minimalism applied in different

contexts: the traveler, a housewife

with a large family, an entrepreneur

who seeks to reconcile their

different areas of life, which is not

minimalist but enjoys some ideas

and benefits of minimalism, etc. In

this way, listeners and participants

identify themselves with the

historical knowledge and

understand that they can benefit

from some premises of minimalism.

It is, moreover, a moment of

personal reflection, in which each

one stops and self-analyzes: what do

I want to improve? What do you want

to do now? What do I want to


It is also time to clarify some

misconceptions: "the whole black

and / or white clothing" or "rip you

off the things you like the most,"

among others. Minimalism aims to

make your life better. How?

Removing what distracts you from

what you really want. Making room

or what really matters.