Master of Simplicity Magazine ENGLISH #5 September/October 2017 | Page 15

This feeling of suffocation is real, and it is bad for us. Not only does it affect our physical, mental, and emotional health, but it also drives us away from ourselves. We are being sucked into the various sensory stimuli, and we completely lose the notion of who we are, why we are here, and even our dreams; we even start to think our dreams are what the advertisements say they should be.

But there is a solution to rescue us in the midst of chaos. Meditation.

This simple practice helps us get in touch with ourselves. This helps us to know ourselves better, which consequently reflects immediately on our attitudes and our relationship with the external world. We can see situations more clearly, and thus we can make better decisions, and even respect what our inner self is saying.

When we know our true essence and what brings us fulfillment, we find what we can call happiness. A state in which we move with the feeling of satisfaction, even while facing daily obstacles.

I want to leave the invitation for you to try. If you have never meditated before, start with short, two-minute sessions a few times a day.

Sit in a chair with your back straight. Feet flat on the floor. Knees at an angle of ninety degrees. Close your eyes and focus on your abdomen - expanding when air enters, and retracting when it goes out. If possible, always breathe through the nose. You do not have to force your breath to create a specific rhythm. Just let it flow. Do not bother if your thoughts carry you to another place. Just be aware of that and bring your focus back to your breathing.

I sincerely hope that you will see the benefits of this practice and wish to evolve more and more.

By the Comunicator,

Tarso Spadini